We are 5AM Studio and we entertain friends, family and the rest of the galaxy through
our unique games experience. We drive for successful, entertaining and long-lasting
titles. By combining creativity, technology and data, we craft games that are played
together by a massive audience of all kinds.


After starting in 2020, 5AM Studio developed casual games in an industry that was just beginning in Spain. Prototyping and innovating were key to creating a social game experience we believed would provide a more immersive and unique alternative to what we were seeing: “Mingle Play” combines our favorite qualities of the multiplayer and single player environments. The release of our first major title, Dragon Coins, was the proof of concept for our beliefs. Its viral success and growth across vast territories let us expand to entertain over 100 thousand players. We saw the potential of the social game experience we built, and have been growing rapidly ever since. Now, we are working on more games to come, and continue striving to lead the industry and fulfill the vision we had. For friends, family and people of all kinds, we make social games that let people play together.


Gaurang Ranoliya

Marc Girones

Parmar Praful
Lead Artist